Matt Laffey, proprietor of the Always 1895 blog, produced the spiffy sticker above to publicize his site. He is going to give it away in 3x5-inch and 4x6-inch versions. I like it a lot.
I also like the blog. It's one of a number of good Sherlockian blogs linked from this site. They each have their niche. Better Holmes & Gardens brings insight and depth, whether it is looking at canonical themes and characters, new books, or old movies. Kieran McMullen has written about more actors playing Watson than I knew there were movies. I could go on and on.
Always 1895 offers frequency and newsiness. Mr. Laffey reads an astonishing range of books, blogs, magazines, and newsletters referencing Sherlock Holmes -- and then summarizes the most interesting for us, with links. It's a great place to find out what's going on in the Sherlockian World. Check it out.
But don't stop there. Check out the rest of my blog roll, too.
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