
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Sherlockian Thanksgiving

Thank you, Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine!
No blog post would be big enough to list everything I am thankful for on the eve of Thanksgiving Day in the United States. So I will limit myself to gratitude related to Sherlock Holmes and my own mystery writing. This year I’m grateful for:
  • The amazing gift recently of the first two years of The Baker Street Journal from my Portuguese friend Nuno Robles, who is a fan of my Sebastian McCabe – Jeff Cody mysteries. I’m also grateful for Nuno’s friendship and fanship. 
  • Book fairs and book clubs. I love meeting people who have read my books – or are willing to give them a try.  Book clubs are especially fun because we have a chance to talk at length, but I also enjoy the Ohioana Book Fair in Columbus and Books by the Banks in Cincinnati.  
  • I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere. The world’s first podcast devoted to Sherlock Holmes has been around for some years, but I just started listening a few months ago. Scott Monty and Burt Wolder provide interesting talk and fascinating guests. I was pleased to sponsor two episodes so far.
  • Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine. Editor Marvin Kaye, himself a veteran mystery writer and anthologist, has published several of my articles. Next year should see publication of at least one more article and two mystery short stories.
  • A Scintillation of Scions and Holmes, Doyle & Friends. These two annual conferences, in Maryland and Ohio respectively, offer a priceless opportunity to not only hear great talks on Sherlockian topics but also to mingle with like-minded friends that one may never meet otherwise. This year I had the great pleasure of meeting Chris Redmond at Scintillation VIII.
  • My beta readers Steve Winter, Jeff Suess, and Kieran McMullen for all their work on my books; Steve Emecz, of MX Publshing, the easiest publisher in the world to work with, and possibly the most energetic and creative; and Bob Gibson, who produces my great covers.
  • You – for reading this.      
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!