
Monday, December 28, 2015

Beyond "Blue": Sherlockian Christmas Stories

Philip K. Jones (“An Illdressed Vagabond”), who maintains a mammoth database of more than 11,000 Sherlock Holmes pastiches, sent me a fascinating note on Christmas-themed Holmes stories outside the Canon. I saved it for today. Who would read it on Dec. 25? Here it is:
I thought this over and decided to check the database to see what was recorded there.
I was surprised at the number and variety of items I found:
1.         There are sixty -six short stories listed.
2.         There are five poems.
3.         There are two short novels. 
4.         There are six parodies (mostly short stories). 
5.         There are four plays, not counting renditions of BLUE. 
6.         There are four half-hour radio shows. 
7.         There is one half-hour TV show. 
8.         There is one anthology, for which I have no information on contents:  Have Yourself a Chaotic Little Christmas, edited by Gwendolyn Frame.  There are also two other anthologies, Holmes for the Holidays and More Holmes for the Holidays, edited by Martin Greenberg, but I have detailed listings for those and have included their contents in this list. 
9.         There are four short-shorts. 
10.       There are two narrative game scenarios. 
11.       There are eleven Novellas. 
12.       There is one full-hour TV script. 
13.       There is one illustrated short story. 
14.       There's one novelette. 
15.       And, finally, there are three narrative puns that involve Christmas themes. 
This gives a grand total of 111 individual items, plus the contents of Ms. Frame's Anthology. 
I thought you might find this interesting.
Indeed I did, Phil!


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