
Friday, June 10, 2011

The Queen of Bohemia

My friend the Most Reverend Daniel E. Pilarczyk, Archbishop Emeritus of Cincinnati, has written about a dozen books of Roman Catholic theology. Who knew he could also write a dandy limerick?

Archbishop Pilarczyk has been reading Sherlock Holmes for several decades, and this blog for a few days. In response to my post of a haiku version of “A Scandal in Bohemia,” written by my son Sgt. Mike Andriacco, he submitted to me the following riff on the same story:

The Queen of Bohemia

Bohemian scandals come rarely,
But Sherlock dealt with them squarely.
He said to Irene
You’d make a good queen
To a good-hearted king – but just barely.

America’s most prominent Catholic blogger once described Archbishop Pilarczyk as “a theologian and classicist viewed by many as the U.S. hierarchy’s smartest bulb.” This latest brilliant literary work can only add to his luster.

I’m sure many of you remember that another Catholic cleric, Monsignor Ronald A. Knox, gave a major impetus to the field of Sherlockian scholarship with his seminal essay “Studies in the Literature of Sherlock Holmes.”

* * * * *

Belatedly, I want to share two more haikus that came to the Sherlock Holmes and Arthur Conan Doyle Books Facebook page in response to Sgt. Mike's:

The Speckled Band

Uncle plots evil
Hoist with his own petard
The cobra returns
-- Tony Reynolds

The Blue Carbuncle

Holmes assesses hat
Bird disgorges a gemstone
Holmes lets the crook go
-- Richard B. Bernstein

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